Sonya Outer Mustard

Rp 698.000

– Outer yang memiliki aksen pada bagian lengan dan kerah semi-flap ini dapat melengkapi gaya berbusana sehari-hari.
– Outer ini sangat nyaman digunakan untuk segala cuaca karena menggunakan bahan linen bertekstur premium.
– Selain itu, desain yang oversized membuat outer ini mudah dilayer dengan fashion item lainnya.

Outer that has accents on the sleeves and a semi-flap collar, can complement your everyday style. This outer is very comfortable to use in all weather because it uses premium textured linen material. Besides that, the oversized design makes this outer easy to layer with other fashion items without looking too tight.

Noted : if the colour of product in the display screen has different with original product, it can be the setting of your display screen or due to camera flash.

Care Instructions :

  • Cold Water Hand wash
  • Do Not Bleach
  • Iron Low Heat
  • Dry Flat